Non-stop flight options now offer even more services to make travel comfortable and complement flights that include a stopover in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Dubai, New Zealand and other cities. You can also use a direct flight connecting Europe to Australia in just 17 hours with Qantas’ non-stop service between Perth and London.

Plan when to fly: The weather in Australia varies from state to state. The summer season heats most of the country from December to February, while the winter lasts from June to August. However, if for example you intend to visit Northern Queensland and the Northern Territory , the tropical climate that characterizes them is quite different and includes a dry season (from May to September) and a wet season (from October to April). You will then need to pack suitable clothing according to the region you will visit.

Join the mailing list or visit the social media pages of airlines flying to Australia to find out what exclusive offers are in store for you. Also, if you travel from Monday to Wednesday, the rates are usually lower than on the weekend.

Australia is great. However, careful planning can help you plan your Australian adventure. There are so many experiences you can choose from that it is worth relying on expert advice. An Aussie Specialist Travel Agent is the one to go for you to tick off your wish list. He can be by your side at every stage, from the single detail of your travel booking to the exciting moment of planning your itinerary. Whether you want to explore major cities or head to the outback, a travel agent can help you get the most out of your stay.